Monday, December 14, 2009

EPA and CO2

Since the EPA has declaired CO2 a "Green House Gas" which is now "Climate Change" that means that everybody in the USA now can only breath 500 times a day, after that you have to pay a carbon tax. There are going to be EPA counting spies everywhere, counting the number of breaths a person takes, and once you are over your allowed limit you either hold your breath for your next cycle, or pay the 500.00 tax. Hope and Change.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Biblical Artifacts

I was watching the National Geographic channel last night, and the show was about Biblical Artifacts and there authenticity; if the artifacts really represented and confirmed Biblical tradition. The short anwser "NO." It seems that there is an antiquity trade in the world, and if an artifact can be related to the Bible in some way, then the artifact is worth 6 figures or more. For an example in the show they showed a plain vase, it was 2 thousand years old, but it was only worth 1,000 - 2,000 dollars. That same vase though if it has some religious writing on it and said "Jesus" or some other Biblcal reference then that same vase is worth now is worth 100,000.00's of dollars. So the dealers in the artifacts doctor up the artifacts thus turning a much larger profit. It turns out that all the artifacts that reference Soloman's Temple, or other artifacts are counterfeit and do not represent or prove the Biblical time frame. At the end of the show it was said the 1/2 of all Biblical artifacts are counterfeit.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hope and Change

By the time Obama is done we will be a Third World Nation, maybe I will move to the Nation of Texas.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I do not understand people saying, "God healed him/her once, He can do it again." That makes no sense; that means that the disease was in remission; it was still in the body-- God never healed them in the first place. If God heals someone, that means that the disease is gone, not to come back. That is a disservice againest God, and His nature.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

I remember Pat Robinson being on TV 25 years ago talking about how we (Christains) needed to live on farms because the tribulation that was comming soon. Never happened. I read David Wilkersons book "The Vision" 25 years ago, what he predicted never happened. I read "Late Great Planet Earth" 25 years ago, and we are still here. If you look at history, and history of the Church as a whole; every generation has always said time is short; why? For a religion to survive and endure; the end of the world scenario serves that purpose, to motivate and scare people to gain converts, thus create an lasting religion.

I remember sitting in Church ( I was 18) and all the old people saying that they could hardly waite for Jesus to come back. I can remember thinking to myself,"Self, I do not want Jesus to come back because I have my whole life ahead of me, and I want to live it."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

MM, how old is

1. Sun?
2. Milky Way?
3. the Universe?
4. the solar system?

Monday, October 12, 2009

I guess God created our DNA with a + or - 10% deviation, that explains everything.

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Science News

I just read an article about how we are going to run out of oil, and the world is going to end by manufactoring oil from the Athabasca Tar Sands written by some science editor; science editor is all it said. So I "googled" him; he is a zoologist!!!; a real oil expert, climate expert and math genius; EXCUSE ME!!! that is just like the chemist tying to shutdown the LHC, a real physics expert. Go figure.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Where is the OUTRAGE

This month has been the worst month in Afganistan for Soldiers dying fighting the Taliban. When Bush was in office the "Drive by Media" as their lead story was the people, soldiers dying, and how bad things were on the nightly news, and Dingy Harry and other Democrats where on the news stating how bad things were and that we could not win. What was the big news tonight on the last day of the month; "Cash for Clunkers," forget the soldiers.

Now Obama has sent and additional 20,000 more troops including my son, where is Code Pink????? where are all the war activists??? If you are againest war, you are againest war, no matter who or what political party is in power, but I see no protest in the media or anywhere!!!! Plus, now Obama said that it is not his intention to win?????? Then screw that, bring my son home. If we are not fighting to win, then why are we fighting and dying?
Do not watch this MM, you will be offended.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Adam and Eve

If the Earth is only 6000 years old, and the beginning of the human race is created by God thru 2 people ( male and female), should not all the people on the earth be the same color of skin?

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Let's see, in the last few months in the news; a few churches have burnt down, a person went into a church and killed a number of people ( I guess God wanted them killed so He could take them to Utopia, as a result, the people had to leave their families behind), and a few churches have been robbed. Sooo, God just let's this stuff happen?? For what reason?

Thursday, July 02, 2009

AutoTuner 1

TD Jakes lives in a 17 room mansion, drive a Rolls Royce, and a few other expensive cars -- he is a Christian. You are a Christian living the God life so you declare. Why are you not blessed like TD Jakes? I guess you pay your tithe? I guess he pays his? Why are you not in a 17 room mansion? Can you buy whatever you want or desire? Jakes can, God has blessed him so he can, why has God not blessed you in the same way? Why are you not a millionaire like TD Jakes. What is the difference between you and TD that God has not blessed you financially like him?

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


If the Islamic community is sooooo offended by what the French declaire as offensive servitude (the wearing of the burka) in their own country (France) then Muslims should leave and immigrate to an Islamic country. Muslim community or any religious organization has no right to impose or force its religious values on people who do not share the same outlook on life.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ice Road Truckers

I have been watching a show on the History Channel, "Ice Road Truckers." The show is about tuckers that drive 10 to 50 tonnes loads across the frozen Arctic ice shield and the dangers associated with that job. When I was stationed at Ft. Wainwright, AK (I was with 47th Engineer Company) we did ice bridging for the military exercises that were held in Alaska. To create an ice bridge a suitable location had to be found, and then holes were cut into the ice, in these holes water pumps were inserted so that water could be blown on the ice thus building up the thickness of the ice. To cross an D7 Cat the ice had to ( I do not remember exactly) 22 or 28 inches thick where the Ice Road Truckers are crossing on 54 or more inches of ice with their loads. What I found interesting was that when the 18 wheelers were crossing the ice with the heavy loads a pressure wave is created under the ice and if two waves meet from opposite directions the result is broken ice and trucks in the water, freezing water, so when heavy loads are travelling from opposite directions one side has to pull over and stop and let the other trucks pass.

Friday, June 19, 2009


I am reading a book called,"The Third Chimpanzee" by Jared Diamond, I have read two other books by him called "Collapse," (why civivlizations deteriorate and then collapse) and "Germs, Guns and Steel," (why history of the conquest of the New World was by the Europeans and not the other way around, and other stuff relating why the world is the way it is). They were both great insightful books that frankly answered some questions that I had always thought about relating to the history of the world. In this third book that I am reading I came across an interesting statistic; the DNA difference between homo sapiens and chimpanzee's is 2% or another way stating this DNA fact is that humans and chimps share 98% of the same DNA. This difference is easy explained by evolution and shows a logical tree structure in the evolutionary chain on events.

According to the Bible, animals came before man, man was created on the last day, and it was "good." This means that we are 98% chimpanzee, 2% human in our DNA makeup since the "chimp" came before "man," that was created by God. It says in the Bible that Man was created from the dust of the ground, how does dust of the ground contain chimpanzee DNA? If man was created seperately, apart from the animals, should not human DNA be totaly different, seperate from the animal kingdom? Not sharing any genes? The more I study science, the more I see how religion fails in explaining the universe and it's workings.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MM -- Why does God let defective babies be born? Why does God let DNA and genes be mutated thus creating defective human beings. God created some reptiles so that when they have a appendage or tail cut off it grows back, why did God not make humans that way? Reptiles are more important? God has the technology why not incorporate that ability into the human body? God created us this way so we could suffer and learn stuff; at least that is the anwser I always heard in church. That's a cop out. Maybe you like suffering so God can speak to you, not me, He can do email.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Reading Books to My Boys

When my boys were small, we ( me and Lily) would read books to them. I always enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss books, but there was this other favorite book that I like to read them and now is a movie: Where the Wild Things Are, I loved this book and still do. I am going to see this movie.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Soon we will be the Union of Socialist Republics; everybody the same -- robots. The Democratic (the Left) Dictatorship in action.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

If you answer these 6 questions "yes," you may be a alien.

Monday, June 01, 2009

No matter where you are in the world, the Left has the same agenda -- paying dead people, or do what you need to do to stay in policitcal power.

Friday, May 29, 2009

So, what does Russian press think of the Obama Administration?
In Miami these last few weeks the Catholic Church as been involved in a delimma of some sorts. A popular priest down was photographed with his girl friend sending the Catholic Church into a distress state. I have never understood the Catholic position on Priests being forced to be celibate, because there is no theological evidence for this position in the Bible. I always heard that the Apostle Peter was considered the first priest, but he was married, soooo I have never understood how Peter has that recognition by the Catholic Church. The Apostle Paul stated that if a person could live that kind of life (celibate) then do it, but your position in the church was not in jeopardy if you decided not too. What I understand of the New Testament to be celibate is not a rquirement to be a Minister of the Gospel, and there are a few things that the Catholic Churches believes that can not be substantiated by the Bible.

What I have never understand is how the Catholic Church disregarded the 3 basic needs required by man:

1. shelter
2. food
3. sex

Since priests are men, and God made man with these 3 basic needs for existance on earth here it just seemed illogical to try to deny what God programmed into our essential nature.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Looks like the evolutionary missing link has been found between Homo Sapiens and bipedal hominids.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Battlestar Galatica 3.0

As I think about how Battlestar Galatica ended, the more dissatisfied I become about the ending. It seems to me that the producers of the show just decided that BSG needed to end, but little thought was put into the ending. There still are alot unanswered questions:

1. What happened to Keria when she died? How was she able to come back to life? Or what was the nature of her existance now?

2. Who or what was Baltar, and the cylon ( #6?) that they were able to live 150,000 years?

3. Keria was told that she was the "harbenger of death"; of what? I really did not understand that story line.

4. What was the relationship between God and the cyclons, or why was the myth of God so important to the cylons and what did they hope to acheive by it.

5. I really did not understand the Cylon's plan? or what the cylons ultimate plan was? other then destroy the human race.

6. Why was the first earth desolate? or what planet was that? was it the earth prophesied by the Lords of Kobol?

The ending of BSG was not a satisfing at least to me, it just left me wondering!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

God's Plan for My Life

Since I have stop believing that there is a personal God to direct my life, nothing has changed in my life; still the same problems to deal with, but I am a happier person. When I look back over my life when I believed that God was directing my life, I think that God's so called "plan for my life" just sucks. If it was God's plan to get laid off from 3 different jobs; I do not want that plan, that sucks. If it was God's plan to get asthma, I say again; I hate that plan, I do not want to have asthma. If it is God's plan to have a daughter with a mental disorder; I do not want that plan, I say again that plan sucks. God made our DNA, and since a persons genes can be predisposed to certain diseases, let me tell you that is a great plan, really that means God is making you sick since He created your DNA. Great plan -- NOT.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Microsoft did it Again

Internet Explorer 8.0 is out now to be downloaded if you want it -- NOT. Microsoft in it's infinate wisdom has IE 8.0 as a critical download, having IE 8.0 is not critical to the operation of Windows at least in my opinion. I have programs that I run in my various computer labs that require a browser, but not IE 8.0, if IE 8.0 downloads then my programs will not work. WebCT which many Universities and Colleges utilize for various academic programs is not compatable with IE 8.0. HCC has Bigfix (a program to push updates ) but it is not run all the time, so I have configured my computers to download Windows updates automatically so that way my computer labs are up to date with the lates Win updates. I just do not understand why MS is pushing out IE 8.0 like this, it just screws things up. I would like to know who the Idiot in Charge is at MS!

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Democratic Dictatorship in Action

I guess this is Chicago thug politics in action. We all know who the UAW donates money and votes for.

Monday, April 20, 2009

AutoTuner Pic

Windows Update

Windows update should just exclusively update the Window operating system, Internet Explorer 7 should not be a critcal update, and Windows Search 4.0 should not be an update too. An IT person should have to back track once he/she finds out that a update that is not critical to he Windows operating is freezing an image after that image has been deployed to a number of workstations. You then have to redo the image; work that should not have to be redone. Since I am ragging on Microsoft I have another bone to pick, some programmer in the Microsoft world decided that if you did not choose the "language bar" then you do not know or understand the importance of that tool so after a while the language bar just mysteriously appears with you not choosing to install it on the task bar. It's it's magic.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

I think I am going to have try this.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Hey MM what do you think about this?

Monday, April 06, 2009

Dell Technical Help

On all Dell computers there is a service tag number ( 7 alphanumeric numbers) and a express service tag number ( it is about 7 or 9 digits long ) and the express service tag number is used to route your call to the right type of support. I do not know all the classisfications of support but the college purchases "gold support" when HCC buys computers. The last few times that I have called tech support the phone system has routed me to the wrong tech support level after listening to elevator music for 10 to 20 minutes and transfered to the right tech support and then another 10 or 15 minutes on hold. This last time I had to call tech support I was routed again to the wrong support level and the phone computer tech told me that he was going to transfer me to the right level of support, but I said "Stop, I do not care what level you are just tell my what I need to know to fix my current problem." He promply responded," I can not do that because I am not gold support." I said again, " You have the answer and I do not care, just tell me what I need to know." He said, "I cannot do that I have route you to gold support." While this is going on a I am thinking to myself, "Kilye, this is soooo stupid that he will not tell me what I need to know because to what? Someone ( big Dell brother, all calls are monitored by some Dell person ) is listening to the call?" In the end I said, "Ok" and then I was put on hold listening to elevator music for some time until the "gold support guy" came on the phone.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

President Obama just gave an I-POD to the Queen on England, now they can watch DVD's and download I-Tunes. Like I said before, they thought Bush was dumb.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Is There Really Free Choice

Wherefore , as by one man (Adam) sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: Romans 5:12

For all have sinned ... Romans 3:23

That is thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Romans 10:9

I used the KJV because that is what Jesus used in the temple.

Those statements are not congruent because the first statement there is no free choice, by default I am on the losing team, I am the enemy; just because I was born into this existance with no part in the decision being made by ME. Then in the 3rd verse I have to make a free choice, I have to choose God? In the first statement no free choice, and then the last statement I make a free choice. I have to make a choice dependent on a previous choice that I had no part in. That is wrong.

So then after a number of years I come to a age ( or maturity or accountabilty) that I am to recongize that I am sinner with me not be able to chose if I want to be a sinner, the choice has already be made. The Churches response for this is that I would have made the same choice as Adam, but that is not a true statement. I am not Adam, and we are not all born with the same personalities, we are all different; you can not make a blanket statement that I would have choosen to disobey God in the Garden just like Adam. So basically we come into this existance with no free choice of determining our status before God.

So then once I understand my place before God, then I am given a free choice; why a free choice now? I have to choose Jesus so I can go to Utopia, or if stay with the choice that I was given ( with out my choosing) I am bannished to Morgan City, La. Where is my freedom????

Why do I have choose in the first place? Why am I in the middle of this war between God and Satan in the first place? When I choose to die, why can I not choose to go into non-existance? I am not going to play this game.

My conclusion is that religion is man's attempt to explain the world in which we live in, but religion falls short no matter what religion you believe in trying to explain our existance, and religion has been used to regulate people's lives by people who think they know better then you on how to live your life. Plus, political power.

Friday, March 20, 2009


AIG saga continues about who know what, but in the end they ( Obama Admin and the Dem Congress) knew about the bonuses March 3, 2009. Watch. Nine days before they said they knew anything.


Thursday, March 19, 2009

This AGI outrage by the Oboma Administration and the Democratics is nothing but show, they already new about it months ago. This is another crisis so they can push through their social agenda.

Monday, March 16, 2009

This is just like before WWII, "Peace in our Time."

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I guess the English Head of State can hardly waite until he can watch his DVD's. Sad, sad, sad day and they said that Bush was stupid.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Stimulus Loophole gives 300,000 Jobs to Illegals; President Obama and the Democrats strike again. Yea,!!! more CHANGE on the way.

Friday, March 06, 2009


The Football rules againest players about celibrating after scoring a touchdown are just plain stupid. Scoring a goal, or point in any game is excellerating, and such a great feeling -- celibrating is a natural reaction. In the NFL these are grown men or suppost to be; if you can not take it, then get out of the sport, these rules that the NFL impose are detrimental to the sport.
Back to the quantum world, the reason that "quantum entanglement" may violate relativity is that if the information transfer is faster then the speed to light then that is a violation. According to relativity nothing in the universe can faster then the speed of light. Brian Greene, a theoretical physicist explained why this way; "the whole universe is moving at the speed of light, but objects that we percieve as moving slower then the speed of light the reason is that the energy is being converted into time which results in a slower velocity for that given object."

It maybe that "quantum entanglement" uses a mechanism that we can not detect, or do not understand. When it comes to the "quantum world" things are not as they seem.
The new motto of the Democratic Party and Obama Administration; "Never waste a good crisis!" The next 4 years is going to be crisis after crisis.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

The Quantum World

In the quantum world ( which means really, really, really small ) there is a situation that happens called "quantum entanglement" and it seems to violate special relativity. No one really understands the mechanics behind this phenomena.

In the real world of which we live in, and experiance, for A to effects B there has to be some medium where the information is transfered. For example the act of hearing, when someone talks, the sounds that are generated by the vocal cords are carried by vibrations through the air to a persons ear, and then those vibrations are interperated as sound to the ear. There is a visable chain of events that scientifically can be varified.

With quantum entanglement there is no visable medium in which information transfered from one subatomic particule to another, and distance is not a factor. You could have two particules on opposite sides of the universe and if they are "entangled" and if you measured the spin of one of the particules the other particule (on the other side of the universe) would have the same spin, by measuring the spin of one of the particules you have effected the other particule. The transmittion of information is instantaneous with no visable medium to which a person can point too. This is like you have two people in different cities, one person puts on a sock but does not know what color the sock is. As soon as that person looks and percieves what the color of the sock is lets say on his left foot, the person who is "intangled" their left sock is the same color. The very act of measuring effects the second particule.

I have a friend who thinks "wormholes" but I am not sure.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Cap and Trade

Obama plans of fighting Gobal Warming (which is called "Climate Change" now) which is in reality another tax on the Middle Class because the increase for conducting business will be passed onto the comsumer. The Obama administration will create a credit (the business will have to pay the government for the credits) system where business will be limited to an amount of CO2 that they can emit so in essence their emmisions well be capped, but for those business that are below their emmision cap they will be able to trade their credits to another company that is over their limit thus making a financial gain of some amount, what ever the price of a credit. The process has to be control somewhere, sooooooo you might ask where???? Well I will tell you -- Chicago, the thug city and who is going to be charge, one of the President's buddies and make all kinds of money off this scam, plus the traders who will be maintaining the credit market.

Cap and trade will increase the price of energy, food, and be passed onto the consumer. Soon we will have to pay to breath.

Third world countries, and China (which is building coal powerplants) will still expell CO2 at the same rates or increased rates with no repercussions.

Monday, March 02, 2009

YEA, the Democratic change is here, NO STOCKMARKET, NO MORE RICH PEOPLE, SCREW BIG BUSINESS, Dingy Harry is putting in a train system to the "Bunny Ranch" YEA. That way you can be screwed both ways. If you bought a house you could not afford it does not matter because Obama is going to refinace you and lower the principle of your morgage-- YEA; change. Obama said the for to long people have been living irresponsible and living beypond their means, but the Democratic Party = Obama, is spending money that we do not have. Were is the responsiblity???? And the Republicans have not been much better, most of them are to concerned about getting relected and being invited to DC parties, and not living by conservative principals that put them there in the first place. As far as I am concerned McCain is a half Democrat.

If Obama puts through his "Cap and Trade" tax we are all screwed. YEA.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I have finished reading the book, "Barbarians" by Terry Jones and Alan Ereira and then watched the DVD's that were part of the book and then shown on the History Channel. The premise of the book was challenging the ideas that the Romans were not civilized but they were the Barbarians not the other nationalities that the Roman's conquered and then the Romans considered them to be barbarians. The nations that surrounded the Roman Empire were in more ways more civilized then the mighty Roman Empire. The best example that exemplifies the point is the Roman coliseum and the thurst for the blood that the Roman nation satisfied there. Nowhere else in any other nation was the killing of innocent people by lions, or by gladiator’s to the amusement and enjoyment of the Roman people that filled the coliseum. I remember studying the Roman Nation in one of my Humanity classes and that my professor said that near the end of the Roman Empire the coliseum was in use 260 days out of the year. That is allot of death for the amusement of a nation. No other nation that surrounded or that was conquered be the Romans made death a national past time.

The Romans also treated knowledge from other cultures as either relevant to their needs or irrelevant so it was discarded, which means they burnt libraries. Rome was an Empire for 1000 years and in that time so much general knowledge was lost because it did not serve the Empire. The Catholic Church also bears so blame because when it came to power as the Holy Roman Empire beginning with Charlemagne if the knowledge did not benefit the Church, or in a act of holy rage to stamp out paganism; burn the libraries.

I had always wondered what caused the "Dark Ages" and I think that I stumbled onto one possible answer. The Roman Empire and the Church burnt the world’s libraries that contained the world's knowledge which resulted in man having to rediscover information and ideas that were lost for hundreds of years.

In the TV show a Roman boat was discovered in the Mediterranean and some artifacts were recovered but one artifact was thought insignificant until someone decided to x-ray the artifact. It was then discovered that there was an intricate gear formation that the x-ray revealed. Once the machine was recreated it was discovered that the motion of the planets and their position to each other could be revealed with this device. Here is a machine that was created a number of years ago by the Greeks that the plans were no doubt in some library that was burnt by the Roman Empire.

Burning books is not right even if you do not agree with it, you have the power to accept it, or reject it, but burning a book is not an option.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Hey AutoTuner, there was bike night out at Plant City, the city is about 30 miles from Tampa. The city has bike night every first Saturday of the month. There was one bike there that had a car tire for a back wheel. Here are some pics. You can click on a pic if you want to see more detail.

Friday, February 06, 2009

You may be wondering why I posted these I.T. rules, well let me tell you. I was told by my boss to go and install a printer in this person's office the other day. I person had given their permision to enter thier office and for me to install the printer which was fine by me. I entered the office to discover that the computer I was to install the printer on was a labtop, but the laptop was at home. The person did not know that the computer had to be there so I could install the printer, sometime PhD means "pizzia hut dude" since I am surrounded by them. Life of an I.T. person.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

How to Please Your I.T. Department

1. When you call us to have your computer moved, be sure to leave it buried under half a ton of postcards, baby pictures, stuffed animals, dried flowers, bowling tropies and childern's art. We don't have a life, and we find it deeply moving to catch a fleeting glimpse of yours.

2. Don't write anything down. Ever. We can play back the error messages from here.

3. When an I.T. person says he's coming right over, go for coffee. That way you won't be there when we need your password. It's nothing for us to remember 700 screen saver passwords.

4. When you call the help desk, state what you want, not what's keeping from getting it. We don't need to know that you can't get into your mail because your computer won't power on at all.

5. When I.T. support sends you an E-Mail with high importance, delete it at once. We are just testing.

6. When an I.T. person is eating lunch at his desk, walk right in and spill your guts right out. We exist only to server.

7. Send urgent email all in uppercase. The mail server picks it up and flags it as a rush delivery.

8. When the photocopier doesn't work call computer support, there's electronics in it.

9. When something's wrong with your home pc, dump it on a I.T. person's chair with no name, no phone number, and no discription of the problem. We love a puzzle.

10. When an I.T. person tells you that computer screens don't have cartridges in them, argue. We love a good argument.

11. When an I.T person tells you that he will be there shortly, reply in a scathing tone of voice, "And just how many weeks do you mean by shortly?" That really motivates us.

12. When the printer won't print, resend the print job 20 more times. Print jobs frequently get suck into black holes.

13. When the printer still won't print after 20 times, sent the job to all 68 printers in the company. One of them will work.

14. Don't learn the proper term for anything technical. We know exactly what you mean by "My thingy blew up."

15. Don't use online help, online help is for wimps.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

AutoTuner we had a big motorcycle meet for the SuperBowl, they said that there was 3900 bikes there.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Hey AutoTuner what about this Volkswagen!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Democratic Party has expanded its membership by about 300 - 350 people today with the stroke of a pen.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I finally understand the difference between a closed, flat, or open universe. In a flat universe a triangle equalls 180 degrees I did not understand meaning of that statement. I just finnished reading a book by Leonard Susskind; "the father of string theory." Anyways a flat universe means that the expansion rate of the universe is constant, a closed universe means that the universe is shrinking and a open universe the expansion is accelerating. With a flat universe the triangle is not being distorted so sum of all the angles equal 180 degrees.
Medieval tech support.
Today begins the Democratic dictatorship.