Monday, May 18, 2009

Battlestar Galatica 3.0

As I think about how Battlestar Galatica ended, the more dissatisfied I become about the ending. It seems to me that the producers of the show just decided that BSG needed to end, but little thought was put into the ending. There still are alot unanswered questions:

1. What happened to Keria when she died? How was she able to come back to life? Or what was the nature of her existance now?

2. Who or what was Baltar, and the cylon ( #6?) that they were able to live 150,000 years?

3. Keria was told that she was the "harbenger of death"; of what? I really did not understand that story line.

4. What was the relationship between God and the cyclons, or why was the myth of God so important to the cylons and what did they hope to acheive by it.

5. I really did not understand the Cylon's plan? or what the cylons ultimate plan was? other then destroy the human race.

6. Why was the first earth desolate? or what planet was that? was it the earth prophesied by the Lords of Kobol?

The ending of BSG was not a satisfing at least to me, it just left me wondering!

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