Friday, July 31, 2009

Where is the OUTRAGE

This month has been the worst month in Afganistan for Soldiers dying fighting the Taliban. When Bush was in office the "Drive by Media" as their lead story was the people, soldiers dying, and how bad things were on the nightly news, and Dingy Harry and other Democrats where on the news stating how bad things were and that we could not win. What was the big news tonight on the last day of the month; "Cash for Clunkers," forget the soldiers.

Now Obama has sent and additional 20,000 more troops including my son, where is Code Pink????? where are all the war activists??? If you are againest war, you are againest war, no matter who or what political party is in power, but I see no protest in the media or anywhere!!!! Plus, now Obama said that it is not his intention to win?????? Then screw that, bring my son home. If we are not fighting to win, then why are we fighting and dying?

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