Wednesday, January 31, 2007

There are a number of web sites that are counting the number of civilians being killed in Iraq. If this is so important how come they were not counting before the war. It is estimated that Sadam was killing 83 people a day, but I guess that was not important back then as it is now.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I am:
E.E. "Doc" Smith
The inventor of space opera. His purple space war tales remain well-read generations later.

Which science fiction writer are you?

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Since MM does not read my blog anymore, I guess I can say anything without hurting or offending his feelings. It seems to me that MM's knowledge of historical events as they are related to the Bible are bias; I guess I just thought that MM would be more of a scholarly nature since he has been in college and not so closed minded and that he would say what he thought about stuff, not what other people told him to say. Anyways, I have always been interested in "the truth" as the truth related to the world, universe, and the Church since I was brought up in that environment. As far as I was concerned the Bible was fact, and I just assumed that there was empirical evidence to back up everything that I had learned in Sunday School, and evidence for all the different sermons that I had heard over the years.

I read my first ancient history book a number of years ago, the book was about the Greek civilization, Alexander the Great, and there was detailed account of the Egyptian civilization, and the book stated that there was no evidence that Joseph( coat of many colors) never existed, and book also said that the Egyptian civilization was well documented. I remember that the statement really disturbed me. How could that be? Joseph was second to the Pharaoh, plus there was a great famine of 7 years. How could that not be in the Egyptian history records? Since then I have been on a sort of a quest to understand history, and how the Bible was written, and to understand the world.

Now, do not get me wrong I do not think that the Bible is invalid; I just think that the Bible is man's attempt to explain the world but it fails in that aspect. A person needs a philosophy to live by, and Jesus had a good answer to how to live your life. Jesus said," Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Lily and I may not always live up to those words, but we try our best with what we know about ourselves, and the people that cross our paths that we try to help. Back to history.

I read the Epic of Gilgamesh and there is a flood story in the tale. It is then I realized that this story was before the Bible and it was written by about 500 years before the Bible was written, so the only conclusion that I could conclude was that it was copied by the Jews when they were writing the Old Testament, not God. The last few books that I have read have explain how different myths from that time period have been incorporated into the Old Testament. The last book that I read stated the what the Israelites wrote was not necessary a fib, or tale, lie, but that what they were writing was their understanding of life, and how they as a people were coming to terms of life in that time period of which they were living in. The Old Testament also served another purpose; it gave the Israelites an identity, separate from the people from which they came from.

Friday, January 12, 2007

This was the plan this morning:

1. Bring S to school with us, because I needed to take him to the probation office.
2. Leave S in my lab and go and get my blood work, ( I was going to stop a the golden arches because I could not eat anything until I did my blood work) then come back and get S.
3. Get S and to his appointment and then take him home.

What really happen:

1. I forget that we had to take J to work, so we took J to work and dropped him off.

2. Arrived at the college, and found out that S forgot his paper work, sooooo had to go back home and get paperwork.

3. On the way to S appointment, stopped to do my bloodwork, but no McDonalds( and I was hungry).

4. Almost to the probation place, S says "Where are we", I say "almost there", S says"But I need to go to Amscot" , I say" I did not know that." So we back track( going faster then the speed limit) about 5 miles and we have 20 min until S appointment.

5. Get to Amsoct, 15 mins to go. I rip out of the parking lot cross the road missing a cop by inches, and then I decide to take a short cut, but I am not exatly sure of the route, I think to myself; "Self you are the Greatest, it will all work out, and you will get there on time." Anyways I am speeding down the road and I pass another cop, I thought I was going to qet a ticket maybe, but not, so I am weaving in and out of traffic doing about( not sure but faster then everyone else.) I finally make it to S appointed place with 3 mins to spare. All done in 2 hours.

I like the first plan better.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Auto Tuner 1, how old is the earth?

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I do not understand why Microsoft in their wisdom decided to make IE 7 an update, why? Not all web based software will not work with IE7 until the software is updated by what ever software package that you are using. In my computer labs at HCC I have a number of web software programs that use IE as a portal for their software package, and my main program will not be updated until this summer. There are a number of other community colleges and universities using the same math program as I use in my labs so they have the same problem as I do. It would also be reasonable to assume that there are business out there have the same problem that I have about using IE that whatever they are doing that IE7 will not work for them either. So why is IE7 an update? Why make a program that does not work with all web based software, and make the decision to make the program downloadable through the update process so that potentially a person not knowing what they are doing could screw up a number of higher education institutions and businesses? What is Microsoft doing and why?

Saturday, January 06, 2007

I do not remember Jesus every saying to anyone that He would have nothing more to do with them, as far as I can remember the only time Jesus was ever mad was over money and the religious leaders of the time. It was the religious leaders that had all the problems, nothing has changed in 2000 years.
As to the moon, and earth question here is the answer, you are using faulty data. The earth is 4.5 billion years old, that has been well established -- you need to do some reading. What is a "not?" Which version of the Bible is inspired? You never answered my question. Like I said before there is little empirical evidence that Jesus even existed, you know what "empirical" means right? plus Nazareth as a town was barely in existance when Jesus was alive. I thought this stuff was all true until I started reading history books, and found out was was not true. The church as a vested interest in this, that was what the inquisition was all about.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

You tell me, what makes a female? What makes a male? xx-chromosome(female) xy-chromosome (male) There are people in this world who are in male bodies, but there genentic makeup is opposite of their body, do you deny that?. Jesus had no y-chromosome so what does that mean? The y-chromosome only comes from a human male.
I guess Jesus was a female in a male body, because there was no y-chromosome in his DNA, just xx.
Ok, it is time to rant and rave. I think that the Mac commercials that they have been running on TV are ridiculous. Just for your information I have used Apple/Mac computers before and found them cumbersome. Anyways, these commercials would make a person think that IBM compatable computers are archaic and antiquated, which is not the case. If Mac's are so great then why did they change to Intel processors, which non-apples have been using for quite some time now. If Mac's are so great why do they only have 2%-5% of the computer market; that is partly's Apple's marketing stragedy fault (but fact is that Apple is barely a blip on the pc market, they cost more, and software is more expensive), so I do not see the advantage of owing a Mac.