Friday, June 19, 2009


I am reading a book called,"The Third Chimpanzee" by Jared Diamond, I have read two other books by him called "Collapse," (why civivlizations deteriorate and then collapse) and "Germs, Guns and Steel," (why history of the conquest of the New World was by the Europeans and not the other way around, and other stuff relating why the world is the way it is). They were both great insightful books that frankly answered some questions that I had always thought about relating to the history of the world. In this third book that I am reading I came across an interesting statistic; the DNA difference between homo sapiens and chimpanzee's is 2% or another way stating this DNA fact is that humans and chimps share 98% of the same DNA. This difference is easy explained by evolution and shows a logical tree structure in the evolutionary chain on events.

According to the Bible, animals came before man, man was created on the last day, and it was "good." This means that we are 98% chimpanzee, 2% human in our DNA makeup since the "chimp" came before "man," that was created by God. It says in the Bible that Man was created from the dust of the ground, how does dust of the ground contain chimpanzee DNA? If man was created seperately, apart from the animals, should not human DNA be totaly different, seperate from the animal kingdom? Not sharing any genes? The more I study science, the more I see how religion fails in explaining the universe and it's workings.


AJ said...

I liked the way you put it at dinner tonight better. "So God made man by copying chimp DNA and then changing 2% of it."

autotuner1 said...

From your way of thinking, i am so glad that i was born years after you. Since creation gets better in time, with trial and error,I must be close to perfect, MM only prevailing by one year.

IncaRunner_6 said...

That's not true because entrophy increases as time passes, so that means since you came after me, there is more disorder in you then me. Are you saying that God uses trial and error?

autotuner1 said...

no you did, didnt you

IncaRunner_6 said...

There is really nothing you can assert when the facts are not on your side, that is why you ramble on about nothing. Explain to me where I said anything about "trial and error."

autotuner1 said...

If man was created seperately, apart from the animals, should not human DNA be totaly different, seperate from the animal kingdom? Not sharing any genes?

IncaRunner_6 said...

Explain to me how that statement translates into "trial and error."