Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hope and Change

By the time Obama is done we will be a Third World Nation, maybe I will move to the Nation of Texas.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I do not understand people saying, "God healed him/her once, He can do it again." That makes no sense; that means that the disease was in remission; it was still in the body-- God never healed them in the first place. If God heals someone, that means that the disease is gone, not to come back. That is a disservice againest God, and His nature.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

I remember Pat Robinson being on TV 25 years ago talking about how we (Christains) needed to live on farms because the tribulation that was comming soon. Never happened. I read David Wilkersons book "The Vision" 25 years ago, what he predicted never happened. I read "Late Great Planet Earth" 25 years ago, and we are still here. If you look at history, and history of the Church as a whole; every generation has always said time is short; why? For a religion to survive and endure; the end of the world scenario serves that purpose, to motivate and scare people to gain converts, thus create an lasting religion.

I remember sitting in Church ( I was 18) and all the old people saying that they could hardly waite for Jesus to come back. I can remember thinking to myself,"Self, I do not want Jesus to come back because I have my whole life ahead of me, and I want to live it."