Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MM -- Why does God let defective babies be born? Why does God let DNA and genes be mutated thus creating defective human beings. God created some reptiles so that when they have a appendage or tail cut off it grows back, why did God not make humans that way? Reptiles are more important? God has the technology why not incorporate that ability into the human body? God created us this way so we could suffer and learn stuff; at least that is the anwser I always heard in church. That's a cop out. Maybe you like suffering so God can speak to you, not me, He can do email.


autotuner1 said...

i think you are really left handed because of your creative thinking-i think it is cool that the Father has blessed you with all the questions and someday you will have thousand of years to get all your answers answered.

autotuner1 said...

yea i meant to say questions answered