Thursday, July 27, 2006

Well, I am home on the range so to speak, suffering from internet withdrawal. I did not realize how much time I spent online between work and home, just let me say alot. I do not understand the way the airports have their internet access set up. They want you to pay $8.00 to $10.00 for access at the airports and this is for 12 to 24 hours of internet access; you are only for a hour or two, so why would you pay? I would not mind paying a few dollars for a hour or two, but I guess they do not want that. Anyways.

There is no junk food here, but there are some Paul Newman I want to be "oreo cookies." I am sorry there is no such thing as fake oreo's, and Paul Newman's cookies, just let me say that they are all moms. It is nice being in the mountains and hills, I like the feeling that accompanies being in them. I am always soooooooo glad that me and Lily spent 4 years in Alaska. We went camping in the mountains and Lily made fresh blueberry pancakes with the bluebarries that we picked at the campsite. Me and my boys would throw rocks into the streams, and skip rocks across the water. We would also bring our cat with us and the cat acted like a dog. The cat would follow us when went hiking on the trails, or the cat would just be around us like a dog. Alaska was a cool place to live.


DLJ said...

You should try the cookies over here. They are made with half the sugar - and they call them biscuits. You know you are in trouble when that happens. You can send me some Double Stuff Oreos and some Grahams Deluxe for your good deed for the day. Make sure you wrap them in bubble wrap - or we'd have to make a pie crust out of the crumbs!!!!

Where'd you go anyways?

IncaRunner_6 said...

I am in Washington State, visiting mom, and I have no regrets, so I am not confused.

DLJ said...
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