Sunday, July 09, 2006

I finished the book, "Adam's Curse." Basically the Y-chromosome has mutated over the years and is becomming inert, men are going to die out in 125,000 to 130,000 years, soooo party on men. At least with the current understanding that we have now about genetics men are on a downward spirial path, but I am sure we will figure something out and cure the genetic defect so that Y-chromosome will survive, and produce more Dallas Cowboy football players.

Well, on to other things; went to Barns and Nobles the other day with Lily and found this book, "A History of the Middle Ages," by Joseph Dahmus. The Middle Ages are defined from the Fall of the Roman Empire to about 1500 AD, I have read alot of Ancient History and Modern History, but not much Middle History, so this will be enjoyable.

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