Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I have researched this microwave oven / food controversy and I do not find any evidence to change my mind, in other words I am not disposing of my microwave oven anytime soon. I have personally talked to an engineer, two physicists, one nutritionist, and one biologist and asked them the question if a microwave oven will destroy or change the molecular structure of food to rendure the food not viable to the body. The consensus was that the microwave oven was not damaging the food molecules any worse then a conventional oven will. What the microwave heats up is the water molecules in the food, some nutritional nutrients are destroyed just like conventional heating of food. I read one study from Australia were the microwave oven actually enhanced the vitamin C and E content in the food being heated up. The nutritionist that I talked too knew about the study that Shadowpaint referred too, but she did not agree with the findings. So this carbon based unit will continue bombarding food with microwaves until the food glows in the dark.


DLJ said...

Whew!! I will be able to sleep tonight. I had no idea there was the raging controversy!!!

DLJ said...

Do/did you watch the TV show 'Numb3rs?' Is what he is saying true?

IncaRunner_6 said...

I have seen the show (Numbers), but I do not know what you are talking about. What is true?

DLJ said...

Is all the stuff they say about numbers, quantum blah blah blah - is it everything possible that he comes up with and if it is, is Law Enforcement using it?

IncaRunner_6 said...

They are using statisical anaylsis in the TV show, and that is a class in it's self which I have never taken. I really do not know if what they are doing in the show is true, but the math equations look real, but I really do not know if the anaylsis is true. I have only seen that show a few times.