Wednesday, June 21, 2006

If there are facts which are in conflict with what I believe then I have a choice. I can evaluate what I believe and modify my belief, or choose to believe and ignore the conflict. Since I am the kind of person that can not ignore facts when they are revealed I have to reavaluate my position, then synthesize and if need to I will modifiy what I believe. I really did not intend to get into a theological debate. One of the reasons that I have changed what I believe is that one day I asked myself, "Self, why do I believe what I believe? Do I believe because I really believe that or do I believe because I have told to believe that?" I came to the conlusion that what I believed was because I had been told what to believe with no real thought on my part of what I believe. So I started to reavaluate and figure why I believe what I believe about God and life. Plus, this has been a jouney that me and Lily have been walking together because we both look at the world, and the stuff that has happened in our life together, and what we had been taught, and what we believed just did not make any sense anymore. So we/I started looking for anwsers.

If you are content and fullilled with what know and believe then I am happy for you. Me personally am not content with cookie cut or clichés answers to the world or life, or the way things are. I know that we have not had much contact with each other, that is one reason why I started blogging. I thought that this was a medium in which we all could communicate with each other, and get to know each other. I am quite happy to write and talk about what ever you guys want to talk about, yes even you "Hogrider" are invited. Auto Tuner 1 I will help you find your Indian family, just let me know what I can do for you.

Live Long and Prosper.


DLJ said...

what about me - nothing to say to me??? :):):)

IncaRunner_6 said...

Your a guy right? "Guys" include you. Or am I missing something?

IncaRunner_6 said...

Janz family do you need help in finding your Indian family too? I did not know that I have so many blood brothers.

IncaRunner_6 said...

Yes, you too Anonymous are invited to add your two cents to the discussion.

Anonymous said...

what tribe are the boomerangs from?? And did they eat leeks?

IncaRunner_6 said...

Have you seen any other movies beside "Star Wars?" The Jedi thing is getting old.