Monday, October 30, 2006

Well the world is going to end in a big bang or explosion of magma. I have seen a number of shows on supervolcanoes, and I watched another one last night on NOVA. Supervolcanoes are classified as volcanoes that can deliver the destructive force of a small asteroid, I do not remember the exact number but there are 4 or 6 supervolcanoes around the world. One is right in our backyard, under Yellowstone National Park. The last eruption by a supervolcanoe was 75,000 years ago; Lake Toba, Sumatra, Indonesia and ejected 2,800 km^3 of volcanic ash into the atmosphere. That amount of material in the atmosphere will and did cause a world climate change, it is esimated that 1/4 of the poplulation ceased to exist.

Like I said before, Yellowstone is a supervolcanoe. The magma pit that is underneath the park is estimated about 35,000 square miles, and 5 miles deep. The last time that Yellowstone erupted was about 600,000 years ago. I have read and seen different stats on Yellowstone that states that Yellowstone has a cycle of about 600,000 to 800,000 years between eruptions. That last eruption was 640,000 years ago in Yellowstone.


DLJ said...

When did you say before that Yellowstone was a supervolcano?

Anonymous said...

When did you say before that Yellowstone was a supervolcano?

Pedant. Don't you know the rule about nitpicking over spelling and grammar errors on the web? It is required that you misspell or grammatically misuse something in your own sentence when you nitpick or the web gods will make sure that in our bthe next time you post, your nitpicking will come back to haunt you. ;-)

I am back on the web now under one of my better names.


DLJ said...

Well, I didn't have anything else to say.

What does 'pedant' mean - or is it mispelled and I am not getting your pun?

Like I said before, how do you make italics and bold?

AJ said...

What does 'pedant' mean is your friend. (That's a link directly to the definition, by the way, so you don't have to actually type the word in yourself. I know how busy you are. ;-) )

How to make bold and italic. The problem with trying to show you is that you won't see it in this field thingy because when you use the symbols, it thinks that you're creating an HTML tag and it will disappear in the posted comment, as it should. I'll try to explain using different symbols. Wherever I put [ or ] it's really supposed to be < or the opposite. I can't type the opposite or as I said, what will happen is both symbols will disappear as well as the word "or" because the browser will interpret that as a tag. So, here goes:

If you want to do italics you enclose the word(s) thusly-

[i]this will be italic[/i]

The slash is very important. It tells the browser to end the italics. Bold is like this-

[b]this will be bold[/b]

If you want to get fancy and include links you do this

[a href=""]type your words here to make the link[/a]

It's very important that you don't leave out the quote marks or the http:// part of the URL (also called the internet address)

Hope that explains it for you. Otherwise, if you go to and type in "HTML tutorial" you'll get lots of good sites that explain HTML with pictures and everything.

DLJ said...

Thanks - you have been so helpful. You could get a job at Wal-Mart!

What does HTML mean?

IncaRunner_6 said..., will tell you whatever you desire to know.

AJ said...

HTML - hypertext markup language

It's the language used to code web pages so that browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, Opera, etc.) can interpret the code and cause you to see things laid out as you see them.