Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Soooooo you never seen the movie "The Matrix." I am surprised that Auto Tuner never saw the movie, the movie buff that he is. Here is a link that will explain everything.


DLJ said...

I don't have time for links - just tell me what the blue pill is!

It's not like I am losing sleep over it or anything. I've lived a pretty complete life so far with out knowing.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone find it strange that AT1 can remember the names of other people's girlfriends?

DLJ said...

I find it strange that 'anonymous' reads and makes comments on other people's blogs or doesn't have the guts to be recognized!

In a previous job, when I received anonymous notes - I just threw them away.

AT1 has a good memory!

DLJ said...


DLJ said...

Well, I am not much on pills - Jesus said He was the Way, He was the Truth and He was the Life - what more do you need - I know where I am going - it is the right way and it is life abundant that circumstances cannot take away.

Lily said...

What are you talking about? I said early in the other post that i said i have seen the movie so what are talking about do you even read what type.

You must forgive our dear Inca Runner. Age, you know? ;-)

Lily said...

Besides mom, you have no place to say such things.

Oh, for the days of "children should be seen and not heard."
