Sunday, October 08, 2006

I guess you want to talk about God's will, implying that people who are not living by your defination of "God's will" are not living to the full potential of life here on planet earth. So what is God's will? God's will in the Old Testament involved the slaughter of women and children, and the genocide of whole populations of people. If you look in all the laws in Deuteronomy( God's will) if a person had a pimple and the priest deemed the pimple unclean( because the priest had no understanding of what the difference between a disease and a pimple) it was God's will to burn your house down. How can a woman's period make a woman unclean? That is the way God made women, so how could women be deemed unclean, but according to the laws which came from God, a women was unclean. That was God's will.

Let's look at other examples of God's will. If God reveals to you (MM) that your wife is to die, but you can not grieve about it, and then you need to just wear a loin cloth, then bury it and then dig it up in three years, and put it on. Are you going to do it? That's God's will.

Look at when Israel was rebuilding the wall, and the prophet told all the men that they had to divorce their cannanite wives. Those wifes had children, and you know how hard it was for a women to survive in the ancient world, owell. I thought divorce was only acceptable if someone in the marrage cheated or maybe God's will changed between to old and new testament?, but God is the same as yesterday and tomorrow. How come it was alright for Judah to have sex with a suposive prostitute? because they were going to kill Tamar for prostituting her self, but when they found out that Judah had sex outside of marrage, nothing is said of him. I guess God's will is different for different situations and people?

Look at churchs or God's will today. I guess God will for one person to drive a Lexus, and then God will's another person to drive a Ford? or a broken down Ford? and they are both in the same church!! I have seen people on the religious station explain that God blessed them with millions of dollars and that they are in God's will, what about all the other Christians who are in God's will? Look at football games. I have seen football players declare that God helped then win the football game, but what about the Christains on the losing team? I guess God's will for them was for them to lose the football game. I guess it is God's will for some churchs to be poor, and God's will for some churchs to be rich? Are they not all worshipping the same God? I do not understand God's will.


autotuner1 said...

i think it has to do with what ya know about someone,like for instance if you without shopping at the mall and you strike up a conversation with this person and there were out on parole for child molestion do you A) have to call your wife and ask if its ok to bring him home or B)already know what here will is already and not bring home C)bring him home and find out what her will is after the fact D)Walk in with a big grin and say "What" i didnt know

DLJ said...

I guess this is a response from AT1's blog?

I was just making a personal comment in relation to my own life and not having the ability to have Double Stuff Oreos. (We can get milk over here) My simple point was that even though I can't enjoy some of the things that I could while living in America, it is still better having an inner peace, joy and fulfillment than pleasant, temporary satisfactions. What God has called me to is what I am doing. I judge no one for doing any more or any less - my measuring stick, my plumb line is God Word.

Man, don't you wish this blog had spellchekc?

Sayuri - do you have a blog somewhere?

IncaRunner_6 said...

Well Auto Tuner, when you run into that situation let me know what you did.

MM you just got me to thinking, what can I say? I have never been much of a speller. At least in math I can never make a spelling mistake with "x."

Lily said...

Sayuri - do you have a blog somewhere?

Click on her name.