Saturday, September 02, 2006

I read a book that stated that Osama bin Laden was basically fighting the Crusades, and that the United States( we are the current superpower in the world) had replaced the Imperial Nations (England and France, and the Catholic Church) that fought in the Crusades during the 11th through the 15th centuries. The author stated that because we (America, Bush Administration) did not understand that concept that the "war on terror" would never be won by the West. I am not sure that if that is true, I just think that bin Laden is fighting for his own political gain, and popularity in the Muslim world. I know that there are different Muslim sects, and they differ on the interpertation of the Koran, and how they view each other. I guess it is probably like the Catholics and Protestants killing each other, and differ on how the Bible is interperated, plus the Catholics have more books in the Catholic Bible, than the Protestant's bible. Anyways I am just related the conflicts in the Muslim world with the conflicts in the Protestant world trying to understand how, or why Muslims seem to kill each other so easily and without reguard to the collateral damage that these car bombs and other explosions caused by bin Laden and his crew.

If the Crusades are the cause for bin Laden's actions againest the West, particularly the United States in Iraq than my question is what was the cause of the Crusades ( who started what), and why have the Crusades left this indelible mark in the Muslim world that people ( particular young people) with there whole life ahead of them are willing so easily give up their lives. The Crusades were orginally started because Jerusalem was captured by the Muslims, and Pope Urban ( the pope at the time) deceided that Jerusalem need to be free from the Muslim infidels because people could not make a pilgrimages to Jerusalem in the same manner before when Jerusalem was under the control of the Byzantine Empire. Plus, "The Church of the Holy Sepulchure" was distroyed by the Muslims, this also added to the cause of the Crusades. As a side note I am reading,"A History of the Middle Ages," so I have been reading about the Crusades but one particular passage caught my eye:

"Five days later, on the night of July 13-14 the Christians attacked from there moveable towers and in the morning entered and captured the city(Jerusalem). In their frenzied exhileration the Crusaders showed no mercy but massacured all the Jews and Moslems they could find. Some ten thousand of them, according to one chroniclar, were beheaded in Soloman's Temple alone, and "had you been there, your feet would have been stained up to the ankles with the blood of the slain."" Another chroniclar described the massacure by saying that blood of the victims was up to the horse's bridals. This passage just stuck me because the brutality done by Christians in the name of God. It just did not seem right, and in my opinion leaves a dark mark on the history of the church.

Anyways, there were other Crusades with vairing degrees of sucess that the European nations had, but it seems to me that the Muslims came out on top after it was all over. I think that the Crusades are a convient excuse for bin Laden, because to my understanding the Crusades were started by the Muslims by destroying a Christian shrine that could have been left alone, I am sure that when the shine was destroyed they knew the impact it would cause in the Western Christendom. I am not a expert on the Crusades my knowlege is limited by what I have read online, and the book that I am reading of the Crusades. If bin Laden is fighting because of what happened in the first Crusade then I guess we should also be fighting the Jews too, but the slaughter was by the European nations, sooooo I just do not know if the Crusades are a valid reason.


Larry007 said...

In the history of the world, countries went to war for lots of reasons - and in the end of the war, one country or countries took stuff - land, riches, people, titles, power, etc. Turks did it, Muslims did it, English did it, Germans did it, Soviets did it, Persians did it, American and Latin American indians did it, Egyptians did it, Chinese did it, Africans did it, etc.

The impetus of the Crusades were many - recapture the holy land lost to Muslims was the trigger, but since there were no wars going on in Europe at the time, there were a lot of antsy knights and fighters looking for something to do so this was another reason to call on them; Crusades were expensive so people who went either got sponsored or paid their own way; some merchants wanted to have more control over trade routes so some of them sponsored Crusade soldiers, etc.

Ben Laden and Muslims can use any excuse they want (some countries have long memories and many countries still have issues with other countries because of what happened centuries ago).

I've heard some reasons that some people from that region gave to Thomas Friedman - The crusades and memories of how badly the Christians treated the Moslims (they treated each other in that geography as bad and worse over the centuries of fighting); they say the USA backs Israel (the Jews) who much of the Mid East is against (Syria, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, and before Egype, etc.) so Arabs take this badly; Countries in the Arab region used to have a wonderful culture and these days they are at the bottom of the heap in economy and standing in the world; they have had lousy leaders that did not do them much good and ripped the people off.

If you use Arab logic, anyone who has as friends countries you don't like (Arabs don't like Israel and USA is Israel's friend) and if you have an old grudge against people related to those who did you wrong in the past (there are christians and Catholics in the USA and it was European Christians and Catholics who were involved in the Crusades) then you are justified in attacking them since you have low self esteem (lousy economy, lost social and cultural standing in the world and your leaders are ripping you off).

With those conditions, then lots of others countries should be able to attack who they want since lots of rotten things have happened in the history of the world. Arabs should attack European countries more than the USA since it was the people from Europe who were in the Crusades, not the USA. But they don't, not as much. Other countries have invaded Arab countries recently (Turkey, Russia, etc.) but I don't see them going after those countries now.

It's all BS excuses - pick an excuse and use it since you're mad at someone or the top dog. Envy is a terrible thing but in my opinion we give too much of a break when the little guy has envy than if a powerful guy has envy.

Yes the USA has interests in the world and some of them are in the Mid East. All countries do what they can to defend and protect their interests (land, resources, friends, other countries, etc.) You could not form alliances and get help if you did not protect your interests and friends or at least try to.

Its too easy to say that we should do nothing since we are so powerful, but terrorists should be able to attack us over many years (since the Carter administration) since they are less powerful and are fighting for their rights. BS. Using the Crusades is just a cop out, though I am sure many Arabs or Muslims still remember those times, in tradition. None of them were alive at that time, and neither were their parents or grandparents. Probably their ancestors were, but our country was not even formed then so how could they be mad at us - they just pick a target and call it 'justified' so they excuse themselves for attacking people who had nothing to do with a past war or their decline - you've got to pick on someone so pick on the big guy. Too bad the Catholic Chruch officials do not publically consistently condemn the fighting Arabs have done and Muslims have done but when we try to go after those who cause terrorism and nurture terrorism then we are condemned. Thank got it was at least instrumental in getting rid of the Communist Soviet Union, along with Ronald Regan and Margaret Thatcher. No one else will protect us so we will.

DLJ said...

No comment from the peanut gallery here - just one question. IR6 - I am in a fantasy football league, need some more players - email me and I will give you the codes. AT1 you are invited also. Blackwolf, SP - wanna play some football?