Sunday, September 03, 2006

I have always loved reading Physics books, I bought my first physic book when I was 16( I think), anyways it was a book on particle physics, and I remember how fascinated and amazed I was after I had read this book. The book was all about bombarding elementry particles with other elementry particles and when they broke apart you then could discover what the different particles were composed off. Ever since I read that book, physics has always been passion of mine beside computers. When I look at pictures from the Hubble, or I look at picture on I am always amazed. I am always thinking of the physical forces (gravitational, or what ever force that is needed to form the celestial object), or I am amazed at the simple things like watch water drops, drop and understanding the physics of what is involved for the water to drop.

I am taking Differential Equations this semister. Remember taking Algerbra and wondering why I am taking this, or what good is this going to do for me? Really you say that almost about any math class, anyways it all comes together with DE. Everything you learnt in Trig, Algerbra, Calc I, II, III all comes together in DE. DE it's self is not hard, it is remembering how solve the equations from all the previous math classes that is hard, I am glad that I kept all my math notes.

So what book or books are you reading? I am reading "The Prophet and the Astronomer", "A History of the Middle Ages" and "In Search of Deep Time."


DLJ said...
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DLJ said...

Well, I have a bookmark in several - one is "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren, "D-Day - June 6, 1944" by Stephen E. Ambrose; "Getting thru the Tough Stuff" by Charles Swindoll and "Parents Guide to the Spiritual Mentoring of Teens" published by Focus on the Family. In my 'study,' I have the latest copy of TIME and "1001 Dumbest Things Ever Said!"

And not to be taken for granted - I am reading my Bible.

IncaRunner_6 said...

You like reading about the WWII? I always like studing WWII in my history class. They have some great shows about WWII on the History Channel. To me the most interesting part about WWII was that the English let a town be bombed so the Germans would not know that the English were breaking the German coded messages.

DLJ said...

Yeah, it's a pretty incredible book. You think about D-Day and maybe the week before they put a million guys and 75,000 boats together and an invasion took place - this took an incredible amount of planning - just never thought it before.

I was a history minor in college. I like the Civil War and WW2.