Wednesday, February 28, 2007

MM I have a question for you. I was reading about the "Lost Tomb of Jesus" at Science Daily and it states that scholars of 1st century Judaism say that to preach in the synagogue a person had to be married. What do you know about preaching in the synagogues during Jesus's time period? What were the reqirements? What gave Jesus the right to preach in the synagogue? How were religious leaders identified?


DLJ said...

I have never heard that - I'll see what I can find out.

That would pose a problem for Jesus - but it was His house anyway!!!

DLJ said...

I read the article and I found an interesting word - 'now'. It said "scholars of 1st century Judaism now argue that one had to be married to preach in the synagogue..."

Hopefully this isn't just semantics, but why are they just now arguing that fact?

Did they just come upon the new found evidence, writing, etc, that would change their mind?

Again, I don't know - I am still looking for verification either way. I haven't heard that argument either way!

IncaRunner_6 said...

I just finished reading the 4th Crusade. I am planning on writing a post of of my questions and thoughts on the 4th Crusade. I have been busy studing my Linear Algebra. The good thing about this class is that everything is straight forward. (Little math humor.)

DLJ said...

My search certainly wasn't exhaustive, but something I thought perculiar is that if it was a law or requirement - the Religious leaders would have been all over Jesus. There is no requirement that I am aware of in the OT.

Now, we don't have every conversation or incident of Jesus recorded, but I am sure that this would have been a pretty big 'offense' had Jesus indeed commited it.