Thursday, April 26, 2007

What is real? Are we really perceiving reality as we walk through the cosmos by using our 5 senses? Since our senses are converted to electrical impluses and then processed by our brain, is that not like Plato's cave wall. Are we just seeing shadows?


DLJ said...

Listen - I will say this once - go to your garage - grab a hammer - put your hand down on the ground - with all your might, smash your hand and see if that is just electrical outputs!

I would suspect something red will come out of your hand and something loud out of your mouth - maybe just more electricity.

IncaRunner_6 said...

I guess you never have never read Plato ( or any philosophy? ), then you would understand the question. The Matrix was electrical impluses, that was real, but was it?

IncaRunner_6 said...

To tell the truth, I was expecting an thought from Shadowpaint99, not you. But, anyways.

How do you know the blood is red? What is red? How was the color red decided? You beleive that blood is red because that is what you were told, and you have never questioned it.

Without electrical inputs to the brain, there would be no pain. If you elimiate the inputs to the brain -- no pain; is that real?

DLJ said...

Yes, I have read Plato! I did make a "D" in college in Philosophy - I guess I am more of a concrete thinker - not a shadow thinker.

I have a project for you - when you get a grand child - you should be pretty close by now - for the first 5 years of his/her life, tell him, drill in his mind, that a hammer is soft and it doesn't hurt - then on his fifth birthday, buy him a hammer and let him play with it and see if he doesn't get hurt.

You are right about the input and pain. They found out why people with leprosy would lose fingers and toes - the leprosy would deaden their 'pain sensors' and rats would eat their toes and fingers at night while they slept.