Friday, April 13, 2007

What is mom looking at that is making her smile like that?


Anonymous said...

Mom has no idea what she was looking at. How was the apple pie?? The verse we discussed was 2 Samuel 21:19. Shadowpaint99

DLJ said...

Inca - got anymore fam pic's - I have like 2 - if you do can you scan them for me, put them on a disk and send them to Texas - will be home in 63 days - also can you send the DVD I sent you? I will email you.

DLJ said...

What apple pie?

Whose discussing a verse?

IncaRunner_6 said...

In other versions of the Bible that verse is interpreated as the brother of Goliath. Soooooooo?? Like the book that I read, it said when things did not make sense, then the scribes made it make sense or made resolved the conflict on their own.

MM, email the address you want this stuff mailed too.

DLJ said...

John MacArthur says 'the minor scribal omission of "the brother of" belongs in this verse, based on 1 Chr 20.5 which include them and because clearly the Scripture says that David killed Goliath as recorded in 1 Sam 17.59.

The NKJV gives the most likely solution, that there has been a scribal error in the text which should read ,"Elhanan...killed the brother of Goliath."

A second possible solution is that Elhanan and David may be different names for the same person, just as Solomon had another name (12.24,25).

A third soloution is, perhaps that there were 2 giants name Goliath.