Thursday, January 04, 2007

You tell me, what makes a female? What makes a male? xx-chromosome(female) xy-chromosome (male) There are people in this world who are in male bodies, but there genentic makeup is opposite of their body, do you deny that?. Jesus had no y-chromosome so what does that mean? The y-chromosome only comes from a human male.


autotuner1 said...

how do you know he didnt,????did adam have a belly button,if you cut down a tree in the garden of eden did it have rings to show age,i have questions also but what difference does it make if i know the answer know or not i dont really care, that doest stop me from believing in God and that Jesus was his Son,like i have said before you cant tell me every thing about a auto and you still you it and believe it will take you were you want it to does the A/C system work in your house i need a clear explaination about how it works before i want you to use it anymore,and dont use your microwave either or your hot water heater and if you dont know how a battery works and the makeup of one dont use them either---

autotuner1 said...

i say all that because you come across that if you dont have all the answer about God then you dont believein him is that correct or not

IncaRunner_6 said...

Show me where I wrote that I said that I did not believe in God!!! I never remember saying that. SHOW ME!!!

Using your argument then you need to stop using your computer and the computer you use at work since you do not understand how the processor works, or understand how the motherboard is able to communitcate with all the other devices on your computer.

So you are saying that the y-chromosome was of divine origin, which would mean that Jesus was divine, but not human. Is that what you are stating? Just so you know DNA has been traced back about 200,000 years origining in Africa not the "Garden of Eden."

autotuner1 said...

I can use every thing that i do because i dont have a problem believing in the bible and that it is the inspired Word Of God-and that Jesus is my savior can you say the same??
what wacko are you reading that has said the world is that old,i questioned you months ago about space dust and the level it was on the some studing about that and then come talk to me about the age of the earth,dont get to smart for your britches i still can put a not on your head,
so tell me was wolfboys cooking al that, when you were there this summer,i had no idea that him and hogrider and so much in common i guess thats why he wanted to be around her when they were younger-i think they look alot alike-