Tuesday, November 07, 2006

TV Land has on their web site the top 5 Star Trek shows, at least their opinion of the best 5 Star Trek episodes. I agree with one of their picks, "City on the Edge of Forever" that episode would be in my list of the top 5 episodes of Star Trek. My list is as follows in no particular order:

1. The Balance of Terror.
2 City on the Edge of Forever.
3 The Trouble with Tribbles.
4 Piece of the Action.
5 The Naked Time.

They are showing all the old Star Trek shows on a local TV station here in Tampa. I have seen these shows a milliion times, but I can watch them again and again. If I could live in the Star Trek world, I would not want/desire to be a captain or anything to do with command, I would be a Science Officer, of course working in the astrophysics lab of the Star Ship. It would be so cool traveling the universe and observering all the different phenomena in space and working different research projects.

1 comment:

DLJ said...

You don't have the right ears or eyebrows to be Science Officer.

Also, can you do the 'neck pinch'? I didn't think so - if you could have, we would have heard a lot less from Hogrider.