Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The concept of gravity is really not comprehended because it is not understood how gravity is created, mass = gravity and are there little "gravitrons?" Gravity moves at the speed of light and is through out the universe. Before Einstein there was Newton who discribe gravitatation attraction between objects with the following formula:

Fg= G m1m2/r2

G = universal gravitational constant

m = mass

r = seperation between the two masses

On first look at this equation you just assume the attraction is intrinsic with the two masses and nothing else involved, and the equation works. Then along came Einstein and redefined gravity and space = space time, Einstein showed how gravity was warping space, and that warping of space created the orbit the planets around the sun because if that warping was not happening the earth would be traveling the Milky Way in a straight line. So then is gravity really attracting another object or does Newton's formula describe the warping of space that mass objects create and that the effect that the warping of space is creating the attraction on two objects?


autotuner1 said...

who cares?? do you drive the car or does the car drive you-why do we park on a driveway and drive on a parkway? i bought some powered water the other day what do i add? my big brother is ate up with the goofys what do i do??

IncaRunner_6 said...

That comment just shows your lack of understanding of Newton, Einstein and physics in general. I hope this comment is not to ambiguous to you to comprehend. If it is, just let me know what part of my statement you want clarified.

autotuner1 said...

who gives a flying flip,dont do you have some weed to smoke that has to be the reason,you are always asking these goofy questions. i think you need to stay out of the sun i think you are done.go play with your cats-or go study with your wife.

IncaRunner_6 said...

Why would I smoke weed? Is that what you do? OOOOOO that's why you act that way, you smoke weed. Do you not know that smoking is bad for you, and that weed can mess up your mind?

Why do you care so much about what I write about on my blog? Do I tell you what to write about on your blog? I could care less what you write about on your blog. I write about stuff I am thinking about and the books that I read. What is the last book you read?

Why would I study with my wife when she is not interested in math or physics? Are you studing with your wife? about cars? maybe she can change your oil!!! cool

autotuner1 said...

yea,for your information my wife has become very useful under the hood. the last book that i am reading Stories of the Heart & Home By Dr.James Dobson it is very good.I got out of school 25 years ago so i dont read school text books anymore maybe if you had listened and paid attention you would have graduated by now.i think that maybe you should take some ridalin to help you not be so distracted.

IncaRunner_6 said...

I did graduate, I recieved my AA degree. Now I am working on my Bachelor of Science degree, but I have to do it one class at a time, I am not distracted.

So what did you learn in the last book that you read?

IncaRunner_6 said...

Sooooo, what you are telling me is that you learn't nothing from the last book that you read.